Automate your routines with our multi-tool measurement software

About SweepMe!

SweepMe! is a creative and flexible test & measurement software. You can create procedures in short time by drag&drop of modules in a tree-like sequencer tool. Any instrument can be added via an open interface by using python programming language. Drivers of already implemented devices are used and shared across all users. We wish you a lot of fun while measuring and good results!


Use Cases

The on-wafer characterization of multiple dies and subsites is a standard task in semiconductor industry. Often, many instruments have to be combined, such as parameter analyzers, SMUs, or network analyzers. To allow measurements of a device with different instruments, a switching matrix is used.

To deposit thin-films in vacuum chambers, material crucibles are heated up with temperature controllers and quartz crystal microbalances (QCMs) are used to monitor the rate. By using a PID controller, deposition rates are stabilized to allow for processing layers fully automatically. Background image © VACGEN Ltd

Standard key parameters like open-circuit voltage (Voc), short-circuit current (Isc), max. power point (Mpp), or fill factor (FF) can be retrieved by measuring current-voltage characteristics under standard illumination. Furthermore, the external quantum efficiency at different wavelengths is essential to understand the spectral activity of a solar cell.

The characterization of LEDs is strongly related to detecting the correct amount of emitted power into all possible directions. It requires either the use of an integrating sphere or the measurement of angle-dependent spectra.

Silicon Photonics is a technological field in which structures are processed on silicon wafers that can guide and process light. These chips are used for processing optical signals in many applications like high-speed data transmission, optical computing, and sensing technology. Background image © MPI corporation

New batteries, e.g. for electric cars, need to by tested by performing many charging and discharging cycles to prove long-term operation. It is of further interest to measure the behavior at different loads and different temperatures.

A typical task is the repetitive testing of a memory device by applying different voltages for 'write', 'read', and 'erase'. Furthermore, it needs to be tested how long each state of the memory can retain. The resulting retention time is a key parameter for non-volatile memories.

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Semiconductor devices
Vacuum deposition
Solar cells
Light-emitting diodes
Silicon photonics
Memory devices

Our users

7 steps to your first measurement

  • A simple measurement can be done in 60 seconds.
  • Measure Current-voltage characteristics with a Source-Measuring Unit (SMU).
  • Use 'Loop' to repeat things.
  • Control file generation and filling with 'MakeFile'.
  • Create a plot or two or three or...


Get creative

by creating new procedures within a few clicks.

Get independent

and make your equipment exchangeable.

Get strong

by 'programming' even if you cannot program.

Get mobile

working immediately at any place.

Get flexible

and extend your procedure at any time into any direction.

Get social

by sharing Device Classes.

Get connected

to all your equipment of any interface.

Get motivated

and have fun while measuring!


Whenever a step has to be done again, it can eventually be automated. This rule can be applied to measurements and machines but also to how we think of computer programs. In SweepMe!, modular organized code snippets are once created by experienced developers. Later, newcomers can easily use them within their measurement procedures. Thus, people are empowered to do things where they do not have expertise and at the same time specialists can share their knowledge and have a wider outreach. With SweepMe! we would like to create a platform that is supporting this idea.

SweepMe! in Action

  • Sensors are read out.
  • A camera takes images.
  • Different widgets are used.
  • Easy to combine with Arduino.
  • Nonstop measurement.


.. have a background in applied physics and know how important it is to test new ideas immediately. We did our Ph.D. at TU Dresden and we put our experience and the feedback of our colleagues into SweepMe! to make it a software which is hopefully useful to you. We are open for any feedback and feature requests that improve SweepMe!, feel free to start a conversation (

If you like to support us...

  • make a reference in your next publication, e.g. 'We used SweepMe! ( to perform...'
  • follow us on LinkedIn and stay tuned
  • send us a logo of your institute or your company with an agreement to be shown as user
  • contribute an instrument driver and make it available to all other users